Bringing Health Care Organizations & Black Leaders Together for Birth Equity
About Cherished Futures for Black Moms & Babies
Cherished Futures for Black Moms & Babies (Cherished Futures), a joint initiative of the Communities Lifting Communities, the Public Health Alliance of Southern California, and the Hospital Association of Southern California from 2019-2023, was a multi-sector collaborative effort to reduce Black infant deaths and improve patient experiences and safety for Black mothers and birthing people in Los Angeles County by driving systems change at the clinical, institutional, and community levels.
The content of this website will be preserved until March 2025, but will no longer be updated as the joint initiative concluded on 12/31/23. Please visit the Communities Lifting Communities (CLC) website at https://communities.hasc.org or the Public Health Alliance of Southern California website at www.thepublichealthalliance.org to learn about current initiatives.

Racism NOT Race
In Los Angeles County, Black people account for just 8% of births, yet continue to experience the greatest birth-related complications and deaths. Research points to structural racism as the root cause of unequal birth-related complications, which has measurable and long-lasting impacts on Black bodies.

Our Approach
Mobilizing a
Collaborative of Leaders
We bring together a collaborative of hospitals, public health, payers, and community leaders to drive systems change.
Black Voices
We bring Black voices and thought leadership to the decision-making table.
Building Core Partnerships
Our work helps to strengthen key partnerships between organizations to advance birth equity.

Cherished Futures is generously funded by the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health, First 5 LA, Blue Shield of California Promise Health Plan, the California Health Care Foundation, Health Net, Centene Foundation for Quality Healthcare, and Ballmer Group.