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Alimat (Ali) Adebiyi, MPH, DrPH(c) 

Quality Improvement Specialist

Ali is a multi-faceted healthcare executive with a proven track record of successfully advancing quality improvement initiatives in various healthcare environments. She brings extensive experience in healthcare administration, medical research, regulatory compliance, and process optimization. Ali earned a Masters of Public Health from UCLA Fielding School of Public Health and is currently a DrPH candidate at Loma Linda School of Public Health. Her research interests focus on strategies to improve maternal outcomes among Black women and access to care in underserved communities.  

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Cherished Futures is a multi-sector collaborative effort to reduce Black infant deaths and improve patient experience and safety for Black mothers and birthing people in Los Angeles County by driving systems change at the clinical, institutional and community levels. 

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Cherished Futures is a joint initiative of Communities Lifting Communities, the Public Health Alliance of Southern California, and the Hospital Association of Southern California. Click the logos below to learn more about each organization.

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